Get a clear, instant valuation for your business.
Enter some brief details and you will receive an instant valuation for your business. The valuation will be accurate for private label brands (i.e. your own brands) only - if you dropship or resell any products please exclude those.

Total sales across all channels for the last 12 months.
Remember to exclude any dropshipping or resale sales.
$ £
Sales Channels
Percentage of sales in the last 12 months through each channel.
Net Profit Margin
If you know your % EBITDA margin use this (or even better your %
SDE margin), otherwise use your % net profit margin.
Growth Rate
How much stronger are your sales this month compared to the same month last year? What does this year-on-year comparison look like for your brand, over the last 6-12 months?
Sales each month are lower than the same month last year
Roughly even
Each month is about the same level as the same month last year
Growing slowly
Sales each month are slightly higher than the same month last year
Growing fast
Sales each month are a lot higher than the same month last year
SKU concentration. How many SKUs (child ASINs if your business is on Amazon) = 80% of sales?
Primary Market
In which country do most of your sales occur?
We have also launched in other markets
Amazon Star Rating
Thinking about the SKUs that make up 80% of your sales, what is the average rating of these products on Amazon?
Amazon Ranking
Thinking about the SKUs that make up 80% of your sales, when searching on Amazon within their main categories, where do they typically rank in the organic listings (ignore paid listings)?
Top 2-3
Page 1, further down
Page 2 & beyond
Product Uniqueness
Thinking about your main products, how similar are competitors' products to yours?
White labelled product with your brand
AKA Private Label Product. Competitors' products are similar, but you are ahead of them in ratings & rankings
Private labelled product that you've changed
You've specified changes to a product that make it significantly different. The difference is visible in images of your product vs competitors.
Unique design
You've designed the product and had it manufactured. Or the product is white labelled but you have exclusive rights to it
Unique design with patent
You've designed the product and had it manufactured. You have patent/s on it
What would you say is the main category that your products fit into? If you have several, choose the category that applies to your leading products.
This is subjective. How strong is your branding?
Quite Basic
Hasn't been a priority
Some brand identity but not particulary striking or memorable
Solid brand identity. Would look good on shelves in physical retail stores. Some branded search (some customers search for the brand by name)
Coca-Cola watch out. Impressive branding. A lot of branded search
Trademark and Brand Registry
You own the trademark to your brand and have Amazon Brand Registry in all of the marketplaces you're selling on.
Supply Chain
Where do you source the majority of your products?
Far East
Mix of Both
Number of Years' Trading History
For how many years has this brand existed?
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We'll follow up to arrange a time to discuss your business in more detail to give you a more detailed picture.

We'll be able to incorporate many more factors into the valuation including your supply chain, sales channels, distribution, more detail about your IP, branding, expertise and many others. Plus we'll help you to decide the best timing for the sale and the best strategy for going to market.

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